This Prevents Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes as Effectively as Medication
If you or someone you know is taking statins for cholesterol, beta blockers for heart disease, diuretics for heart failure or anticoagulants for stroke, this has been found to be just as effective as these expensive, toxic medications.
A recent study has found exercise is more effective than drugs after you have had a stroke and just as effective at preventing heart disease and diabetes. Regular exercise is very effective in reducing the risk of death from a second heart attack, rehabilitation after a stroke, treatment of heart failure, and prevention of diabetes.
How To Live a Life Free of Prescription Drugs
Exercise not only helps protect you from these diseases, it benefits your entire body in many ways, including your:
Muscles and Bones…by increasing their strength which helps prevent osteoporosis.
Heart. It becomes stronger and more fit to deliver oxygen to every part of your body. It also helps lower your blood pressure.
Lungs…by increasing the amount of oxygen in your body.
Brain. Exercise increases blood flow to your brain, increases the growth of brain cells and increases your capacity for learning and memory. Exercise has been found to be one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat depression as well as Alzheimer’s disease.
If you want to stay healthy and avoid disease, start exercising consistently! Participate in any sport or activity you desire. The best, well-rounded exercise program includes strength training (weights, yoga, pilates, etc.), cardiovascular and high intensity interval training.