I think it is safe to say every patient wants to have their treatment results last as long as possible. Let’s face it, any treatment is only as good as the results last.
Corrective exercises are the key to long-lasting relief and maintaining the highest level of activity and function possible. They enhance treatment by providing a faster recovery and they are the key to making your chiropractic adjustments “hold.”
Simply put, the adjustments you receive “reset” your alignment and nervous system, and the exercises make it “stick.”
Exercise Approach Matters
The problem with many exercise, rehabilitation, and personal training programs is they unknowingly strengthen a body that is compensating, misaligned, and not moving correctly. Instead of teaching a person how to replace their compensations with a proper movement pattern, they end up strengthening the damaging, “faulty” movements that are causing the problem in the first place.
As I discussed in my Treatment Approach, the pain and injuries we endure throughout life changes the way the brain controls our body alignment and movement patterns. Alignment and movement get out of balance because the brain has “rewired” itself to compensate for pain. These compensations become “hardwired” and do not go away on their own without the proper treatment and exercise program to “reboot” the nervous system.
Exercise approach matters because if compensations (faulty movements) are not recognized and replaced with a more ideal movement pattern first, then you will be reinforcing the joint-damaging movements that are contributing to your condition.
My Approach is Different
My exercise approach is different because we identify your bad movement habits (compensations) first, then design an exercise program that will teach your body how to replace the joint-damaging movements with new, joint-preserving movements.
The exercises I prescribe are corrective because they reestablish a stronger foundation for your body to become more aligned, balanced, and stabilized. They simply teach you how to move like your body was naturally designed to move.
The two primary exercise approaches I utilize to restore posture, stability and movement in your body is CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics) mirror-image exercises and DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization). What is DNS?
The rehabilitative exercises will teach you how to…
- Move the way your body was naturally designed to move
- Reintroduce movements to your body that you are missing because of pain and compensation
- Retrain your brain so that new, less damaging movements become automatic
- Perform strengthening exercises that promote proper joint stabilization and body alignment
- Exercise in a way that is safer and less stressful to your joints
- Perform exercises that strengthen posture muscles to help your new alignment hold for as long as possible
- Strengthen your body’s “weakest links”
For those who want a home exercise routine, I develop a program to follow so you can help yourself achieve the level of function and strength you desire.
There is a way to make your treatment results last. It is through corrective exercise. The best exercises are the ones that teaches you how to retrain your brain to establish a solid foundation of balance, stability, and ideal movement first, then add strength onto a better aligned, more stable body.
This approach will allow you to be the stronger and healthier person you want to be so you can enjoy the active, fulfilling quality of life in your later years that you deserve.
NEXT: Evaluation and Treatment