Developmental Movement Workshop at First Health Associates
If you have attended one of our core or breathing workshops in the past, this workshop will be expanding on what we have done previously and will expose you to more active movement.
Do you have neck or back pain? How about hip or shoulder pain? Join us for an exciting workshop to learn how to correct bad movement patterns that may be causing pain and joint wear and tear. This class is based on the fundamental movement “milestones” you learned in your first year of life that established optimal muscle coordination for proper breathing, posture, joint stabilization and ideal movement.
Pain and injuries you endure throughout life cause “compensations” in your fundamental movements. Breathing and core strength become disrupted, poor posture develops, joints lose their proper alignment and stabilization abilities, and joint wear and tear increases over time.
In this program, we will reintroduce you to the developmental milestones to help you restore normal movement. You will relearn the most important exercises to reset your movement back to the way it was when you completed the various milestones in your first year of life. Through body awareness, we will help you discover your weakest links and teach you exercises to help strengthen them. The goal of this workshop is to provide you with the tools and exercises necessary to help you breathe, stabilize and move better.
Dr. Ryan Hamm, D.C. and Jennifer Gonzalez, CMT
WHEN: Thursday February 2nd at 7:15-8:30pm
WHERE: First Health Associates 2010 S. Arlington Heights Road
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Chronic neck and back pain sufferers, yoga enthusiasts, runners or other athletes looking for a competitive edge, and anyone who wants to move better
FEE: $40
HOW TO SIGN UP: Call First Health Associates at 847.593.3330
WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable workout attire
SEATS ARE LIMITED: Due to space limitations, only 12 seats are available.
Reservations and payment are required in advance.